For Horses

Equine Massage and Healing

A ‘hands-on’ massage session has many physical benefits for your horse. Helping to prevent and relieve muscle tension, adhesions and stiffness, reduce pain and relax spasm, boost circulation, improve joint flexibility and range of motion. Massage can also help reduce the risk of injury, enhance muscle tone and strengthen athletic performance.

Alongside the many benefits of massage for competition and leisure horses, it is a very valuable treatment for horses on restricted exercise and/or box rest. For older horses it is a great way to help keep them supple, comfortable and using themselves correctly.

Healing can help release emotional, mental and physical blockages which can be held and deep rooted within the horses’ body & tissues. An energy exchange is channelled with both ‘hands on’ and ‘hands-off’ techniques sensing and observing positive and negative charges and changes in your horses subtle bodies and energy fields.

Ponies and horses of all types & ages for general maintenance and with more complex or acute conditions are very welcome.

I can help:

  • Improve your horses flexibility and range of motion in all joints improving movement and performance.
  • Increase circulation, venous and lymphatic drainage and bring nutrition to the tissues.
  • Restore balance in the horses neuromuscular system
  • Improve technique over fences, lateral work and impulsion by releasing blockages
  • Horses processing trauma and help release trauma held within soft tissue.
  • Prevent injury by mobilising joints and soft tissues and aid their healthy state
  • Correct many types of somatic dysfunction and formulate a treatment plan to achieve this.
  • Manage discomfort & pain as well as many chronic complaints such as osteoarthritis and other degenerative conditions
  • Speed up healing from common conditions and injuries such as: ulcers, strains, sprains, colic, dental issues, hoof imbalances, getting cast, prolonged periods of lameness and box rest etc
  • Improve abnormal limb flight
  • Canter lead issues
  • Improve your horses behavior, temperament and mood.
  • Facilitate homeostasis within the body and all the systems
  • Ease tension and aid recovery post heavy work out or competition
  • Detect early signs of discomfort or compensation in the body
  • Horses with emotional trauma following an injury/accident, box rest, new home, new owners, loss of a friend etc

**Please note that these sessions are not a substitute for veterinary attention or care I may be unable to treat your horse if they need to be seen to by a vet prior to safely being treated by me**

Your horse must be registered with a veterinary practice and I ask for vets to be contacted and made aware of our appointment before treating any horses. Please contact them well ahead of our appointment.

**If your horse is currently under veterinary treatment or has any ongoing / existing injuries or conditions – I legally require your vets permission to treat**


In some instances, I may refer you to other specialists and experts in their area in order to help you and your horse further. I am still and always will be learning and sadly do not hold all of the answers (if only!) I do firmly believe that a team effort with you and a multi-professional approach is best for your horse and it takes a dedicated group of experienced and caring professionals to help keep your equine partner at their best.

Upcoming Clinics, Camps & Events

To find out more or book one of our events please contact me on 07833 061929 or use our contact page to send a message.